About the room
Who lives there
4 mixed gender, from 25 to 52 years old, professional, non smokers
Ideal roommates
from 20 to 65 years old
Room description
Cheap & cosy common room.
5 minute walk to Clementi MRT
AC. Fully furnished.
Nearby amenities – 1 minute walk to swimming complex and sports complex with Gym and badminton courts!!
24-hr Fairprice supermarket..
5 mins to MRT. Buses to anywhere. Next door public pool, gym, badminton
courts, basketball court, couple owner. Can be twin-sharing. Hawker and Food court everywhere.
Male/Female welcome(twin-sharing also welcome). Available 25 Dec. Single-$1000 / Sharing or couple-$1200 (all inclusive - utilities and wifi). Can be negotiable.